ES Projects

Congress & Nearmont Landfills

  • Objectives
    To ensure the safety of the public and the environment by monitoring, managing, and controlling landfill gas.
  • Location
    351 S. Brickyard Ln
  • Waste Acreage
    Congress (8.2) and Nearmont (3.1)
  • Operation Dates
    Congress (1953-1960) and Nearmont (1960-1967)
  • Status
    Monitored Only Site
  • Type
    Groundwater Protection Project
  • Annual Budget
    Approximately $50,000
  • Contact
    City of Tucson - Environmental Services 520-791-3175
  • Description
    The Congress and Nearmont Landfills are located just south of Congress St on the western bank of the Santa Cruz River. These landfills were used for the disposal of construction debris and municipal solid waste. The two landfills were slated to be developed as a cultural park as part of the Rio Nuevo project. Using funding from the Rio Nuevo project, the City constructed and operated an aerobic bioreactor at the two landfills to stabilize the land surface so that development could proceed. The bioreactor operated from 2001 to 2008 and was dismantled in April 2009 due to lack of continued funding. Today the City monitors boundary landfill gas probes. The landfill is owned and maintained by the City of Tucson.
  • Activities
    Inspections, Landfill Gas Monitoring
  • Last Update
    Wednesday Jun 8, 2022

Project Details

Status Updates

  • January, April, July, & October
    The City conducts quarterly landfill gas monitoring at perimeter probes during these months every year to monitor for methane migration at the property boundary.
  • October-December
    The City is scheduled to conduct an annual closed landfill inspection. A report will be prepared following the inspection, documenting the site conditions. The latest report should be available for download in the Attachments/Reports section of this website.
  • February 2013
    The City conducted monitoring of one perched well. An annual monitoring event is scheduled for July 2013. An annual monitoring report will be prepared documenting the results.
  • July 2012
    The City conducted an annual groundwater monitoring event for perched and regional wells. The report is in the Reports/Attachments part of this website.
  • December 6, 2012
    Completed the 2012 groundwater monitoring report. The report is available at Reports/Attachments section of this website.
  • January 4, 2011
    The Bioreactor Project was withdrawn from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Voluntary Remediation Program, and transferred to Environmental Services for routine landfill monitoring and maintenance. ADEQ agreed that the City adequately met the objectives of the 2003 work plan for the 2-acre site.
  • 2000-2001
    The City installed four groundwater monitor wells and began routine monitoring.
  • 1995-1998
    The City installed shallow landfill gas monitor probes to monitor methane concentrations between the landfill and nearby homes and began routine monitoring.


Overlooking Congress Landfill towards Downtown Tucson.

Overlooking Nearmont Landfill towards the north. A landfill gas vent well can be seen in the picture.


  • Annual Monitoring Report

    This report documents landfill gas and groundwater monitoring, and dewatering activities conducted at the Congress and Nearmont Landfills for October 2012 - July 2014.

  • 2012 Annual Monitoring Report

    This is the latest report for Groundwater Monitoring completed in 2012 at the A-Mountain, Congress, and Nearmont Landfills. This report provides an analysis of data collected between June 2011 and September 2012 at these 3 landfills. The text, tables, and figures to the report are available at this link. For the full document contact the Environmental Services office at 520-791-3175.

  • Closed Landfills Inspection and Maintenance Report

    The City of Tucson - Environmental Services owns and maintains fifteen closed regulated and non-regulated landfills. This guidance report provides the procedures for inspecting and maintaining those landfills. The text portion of this report is available at this link. To review the full document contact the Environmental Services office at 520-791-3175.

  • ADEQ letter to the City of Tucson

    Letter closes out the Rio Nuevo Full Scale Stabilization Project from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Voluntary Remediation Program.

  • Rio Nuevo Full Scale Stabilization Final Report

    Rio Nuevo Full Scale Stabilization Prjoect 17-Acre Site Annual Report (April 2008 - October 2009) and Final Report, VRP Site Code: 504075-00. The text portion to this report is available at this link. To review the full document contact Environmental Services office at 520-791-3175.