ES Projects

Police/Fire Department Headquarters Former LUST Site

  • Objectives
    Remediation of petroleum impacted soil and groundwater associated with a former fueling facility as required under state regulations.
  • Location
    260 South Stone Avenue
  • Waste Acreage
  • Operation Dates
    Remediation Initiated in 2009
  • Status
    Active Clean-up Site
  • Type
    Leaking Underground Storage Tank Project
  • Annual Budget
    Approximately $250,000
  • Contact
    City of Tucson - Environmental Services 520-791-3175
  • Description
    A release of petroleum-based fuels from the former fueling facility occurred and ADEQ reopened LUST File #3208.01. An Assessment was conducted and found soil impacts above Arizona Soil Remediation Levels (SRLs) which included dissolved gasoline compounds, and Light Non-aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) floating on the perched groundwater. The LNAPL consists of old gasoline. The City of Tucson currently operates a Soil Vapor Extraction System and groundwater Pump and treat System to remediate petroleum impacted soil and remove free-phase and dissolved phase gasoline from the perched groundwater table.
  • Additional Info
    Although groundwater contamination has been detected above regulatory standards in the perched groundwater, no drinking-water production wells are located within 1/2 mile of LUST site.
  • Activities
    Groundwater Monitoring, Groundwater Remediation, Soil Remediation
  • Last Update
    Wednesday Jun 8, 2022

Project Details

Status Updates

  • May 2013
    City installed Soil Vapor Extraction System (SVE) to remediate petroleum hydrocarbons in the wells located close to the source area; this system works in conjunction with the pump and treat system.
  • Fall 2012
    City conducted SVE feasibility study. Study concluded SVE would be successful at removing petroleum hydrocarbons at the source and accelerate environmental case closure. The feasibility study is available it the reports/attachments section of this website.
  • Spring 2012
    City conducted second round of field remediation pilot tests involving the addition of an oxidizer to shallow wells to remediate the contaminated soils in the subsurface.
  • September 2011
    The City submitted Oxidation Pilot Study results to ADEQ for review.
  • 2010
    Soil and groundwater remediation and monitoring ongoing.
  • 2009
    Soil and groundwater remediation implemented.
  • 2008
    Site characterization assessment conducted, groundwater monitoring and LNAPL removal initiated.
  • 2007
    Groundwater assessment started in vicinity of HQUST, petroleum compounds detected.
  • 1999
    Evidence of leaks not found, site given regulatory closure.
  • 1993
    Fuel System removed, and assessed for leaks. Some evidence of leaks encountered.
  • 1972
    Fuel System installed at Police and Fire Department Headquarters (HQUST)


HQUST Remediation System Compound (groundwater pump-&-treat system); including oil/water separator, free product storage tank, granular activated carbon vessels, and air compressor.

Drilling rig to install a new groundwater monitor well in November 2010.


  • Periodic Site Status Report

    This site status report, covering the period between June 2016 through May 2017, was submitted to the Arizona Department Environmental Quality.

  • Industrial Wastewater Discharge Report

    This is the Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit Self-monitoring Report Form submitted to Pima County for the discharge of treated water for this site.

  • Soil-Vapor Extraction Pilot Test

    Report summarizes a soil vapor extraction (SVE) pilot test conducted on August 23, 2012. The study concludes SVE would be successful at removing petroleum hydrocarbons at the source and accelerate environmental case closure.

  • Evaluation of In-Situ Chemical Oxidation

    Full Title: Summary and Evaluation of Site Investigation Activities for Feasibility of Pilot Test Using In-Situ Chemical Oxidation in Area of Concern 1. Report summarizes results of a pilot test the City conducted in the vicinity of the former fuel island. The report was submitted to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality on September 12, 2011. Test confirms that residual gasoline contamination at this project could be remediated through the injections of chemical oxidizing mixture into selected wells. This remediation method was discussed and approved by ADEQ earlier this year. With submittal of this document to ADEQ, the City will proceed to schedule and run an injection pilot test of the oxidizing agent into wells in late September or early October 2011.

  • Approval of Site Characterization

    Letter from the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) that grants approval of site characterization, states that a corrective action plan would not be required, but contaminant concentrations from the UST release would need to be cleaned-up to levels to or below applicable ADEQ cleanup standards.