ES Projects

Vincent Mullins Landfill

  • Objectives
    To ensure the safety of the public and the environment by monitoring, managing, and controlling landfill gas and groundwater quality.
  • Location
    Northeast of Kolb Rd and Speedway Blvd
  • Waste Acreage
  • Operation Dates
  • Status
    Monitored Only Site
  • Type
    Groundwater Protection Project
  • Annual Budget
    Approximately $100,000
  • Contact
    City of Tucson - Environmental Services 520-791-3175
  • Description
    The Vincent Mullins Landfill is located on the eastern bank of the Pantano Wash just north of Speedway Blvd. This landfill was used for the disposal of municipal solid waste. Soil vapor contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), specifically tetrachloroethene (PCE), migrated from the waste to the groundwater table and caused groundwater contamination of PCE exceeding regulatory standards. Today the City monitors twenty-three shallow landfill gas probes, three nested deep soil vapor wells, thirteen groundwater monitoring wells and two privately owned irrigation wells around the landfill. In addition, a landfill gas flare system was constructed to control the migration of methane and VOCs from the waste. The site is regulated under the Arizona Department Environmental Quality (ADEQ) Solid Waste Unit in accordance with the site’s Aquifer Protection Permit (APP). The landfill is owned and maintained by the City of Tucson.
  • Additional Info
    Groundwater contamination has been detected exceeding regulatory standards in one well. No contamination has been detected in Tucson Water drinking water wells.
  • Activities
    Inspections, Landfill Gas Monitoring, Groundwater Monitoring, Landfill Gas Control System
  • Last Update
    Wednesday Jun 8, 2022

Project Details

Status Updates

  • January, April, July, & October
    The City conducts quarterly landfill gas monitoring at perimeter probes during these months every year to monitor for methane migration at the property boundary.
  • March, June, Sept., and December
    The City will conduct closed landfill site inspections quarterly. A report documenting site conditions will follow these events. These inspections are included with the annual report to ADEQ.
  • March & September
    The City conducts groundwater monitoring semi-annually during these months at thirteen groundwater monitor wells and two privately owned irrigation wells. An annual report is sent to ADEQ documenting these results.
  • April 2013
    Kolb Road: Connection to Sabino Canyon Road This project is part of the $2.1 billion, 20-year RTA plan approved by voters in May 2006. A new road is to be built that connects Kolb Rd to Sabino Canyon Road. A portion of the new road will pass over the Vincent Mullins Landfill. In April 2013, ADEQ approved the plan for geotechnical borings into the landfill in preparation for building the road.
  • March 2013
    The city, with a consultant, completed an odor study. The study found that Vincent Mullins Landfill was not a source of significant odor. The report is available in the Reports/Attachments section of this website.
  • November 2007
    ADEQ granted approval of landfill closure. This date marks the beginning of the 30-year post closure monitoring and management period.
  • 2005-2006
    The City closed the landfill according to Federal and State regulations. Closure included construction of the landfill cover for the landfill, a graded earthen cap and landscaping to prevent erosion.
  • January 2005
    The new and expanded landfill gas extraction system began operation at the Vincent Mullins Landfill. The system is the key element of the corrective action plan to clean up VOC vapor concentrations in the soil and eliminate potential sources in the landfill. The City previously operated two other landfill gas extraction systems which only had extraction wells along the western landfill boundary from 1986 - 2005.
  • 2004-2006
    The City installed five additional groundwater monitor wells to delineate the PCE plume. These wells along with the other existing monitor wells are monitored twice a year.
  • February 2004
    A new monitoring well (WR-453A) was installed downgradient from the landfill and monitoring results showed several detections of VOCs with PCE exceeding the Aquifer Quality Limit in the APP at a concentration of 5.4 ug/L. Up to this time, none of the other groundwater monitor wells at Vincent Mullins showed VOC detections. The City notified ADEQ and submitted a corrective action plan to address the issue.
  • January 2002
    APP permit issued by ADEQ Solid Waste Unit. APP requires ongoing groundwater monitoring, capping the landfill and upgrading the landfill gas extraction system.
  • 1986-2003
    Installed and monitored four groundwater wells (WR-115A, WR-116A, WR-117A, and WR-118A). The wells were monitored twice a year and results did not show any landfill impacts to the groundwater.
  • 1987
    The City stopped accepting waste at the Vincent Mullins Landfill.
  • 1984
    The City installed twenty landfill gas monitoring probes at the southern, western, and northern perimeters of the landfill. The probes were monitored for the off-site migration of landfill gases such as methane. Over the years, the City has installed and monitored new probes as necessary.


Vincent Mullins Landfill gas extraction and flare system compound.

Vincent Mullins landfill gas extraction and flare system inside the compound wall.

Overlooking the Vincent Mullins Landfill towards the north. The landfill was seeded with grass.


  • 2019 Annual Report

    Annual monitoring report for 2019. Discusses groundwater and soil vapor monitoring results and remedial action activities at the site. The text, tables, and figures to the report are available at this link. For the full document, contact the Environmental & General Services Department at (520) 791-3175.

  • 2018 Annual Report

    Annual monitoring report for 2018. Discusses groundwater and soil vapor monitoring results and remedial action activities at the site. The text, tables, and figures to the report are available at this link. For the full document, contact the Environmental & General Services Department at (520) 791-3175.

  • Odor Study

    Study concludes Vincent Mullins Landfill is not a signficant source of odor.

  • Kolb Road Extension - Borings Approved

    Kolb Road: Connection to Sabino Canyon Road This project is part of the $2.1 billion, 20-year RTA plan approved by voters in May 2006. A portion of the new road that will connect Kolb Rd to Sabino Canyon Road will pass over the Vincent Mullins Landfill. In April 2013, ADEQ approved the plan for geotechnical borings into the landfill in preparation for building the road.

  • Closed Landfills Inspection and Maintenance Report

    The City of Tucson - Environmental Services owns and maintains fifteen closed regulated and non-regulated landfills. This guidance report provides the procedures for inspecting and maintaining those landfills. The text portion of this report is available at this link. To review the full document contact the Environmental Services office at 520-791-3175.