ES Projects

Rio Nuevo North Landfill

  • Objectives
    To ensure the safety of the public and the environment by monitoring, managing, and controlling landfill gas and site safety.
  • Location
    401 N. Bonita Ave
  • Waste Acreage
  • Operation Dates
  • Status
    Monitored Only Site
  • Type
    Groundwater Protection Project
  • Annual Budget
    Approximately $50,000
  • Contact
    City of Tucson - Environmental Services 520-791-3175
  • Description
    Rio Nuevo North Landfill, formerly known as Linda Landfill, is beneath the asphalt parking lot of the Commerce Loop building facilities, including the City of Tucson Community Services, United Way and Pima Community College. This landfill was used for the disposal of municipal solid waste, landscape waste, and construction debris. Today the City monitors 25 shallow landfill gas probes, and operates a landfill gas extraction system as needed to control migration of methane from the property. The landfill is owned and maintained by the City of Tucson.
  • Activities
    Inspections, Landfill Gas Monitoring, Landfill Gas Control System
  • Last Update
    Wednesday Jun 8, 2022

Project Details

Status Updates

  • January, April, July, & October
    The City conducts quarterly landfill gas monitoring at perimeter probes during these months every year to monitor for methane migration at the property boundary.
  • October-December
    The City is scheduled to conduct an annual closed landfill inspection. A report will be prepared following the inspection documenting the site conditions.
  • March 2011
    The City completed the Comprehensive Landfill Investigation and Closed Landfill Inspection reports. This landfill is discussed in both of these reports. These reports are available in the report/attachment section of this website.
  • 1999
    The City installed one groundwater monitor well and began routine monitoring.
  • 1995-1998
    The City installed shallow landfill gas monitor probes to monitor methane concentrations between the landfill and nearby businesses and began routine monitoring.
  • March 1987
    The City installed a landfill gas extraction system. The system is still in operation today to control migration of methane from the landfill to surrounding businesses as needed.


Building that houses the landfill gas extraction system. The sytem helps control the landfill gases.

Majority of the landfill has been developed as a parking lot for the Commerce Loop building facilities.

Landfill gas monitoring well shown in bottom of picture.


  • 2015 Annual Landfill Inspection

    This report documents the annual landfill inspection activities conducted at Rio Nuevo North Landfill on October 1, 2015.

  • Closed Landfills Inspection and Maintenance Report

    The City of Tucson - Environmental Services owns and maintains fifteen closed regulated and non-regulated landfills. This guidance report provides the procedures for inspecting and maintaining those landfills. The text portion of this report is available at this link. To review the full document contact the Environmental Services office at 520-791-3175.

  • Comprehensive Landfill Investigation Final Report

    The City of Tucson, Environmental Services began the Comprehensive Landfill Investigation in 2000 to evaluate groundwater quality downgradient of landfills owned or operated by the City of Tucson which are not regulated by Sate or Federal Agencies. This is the final report. The text portion of this report is available at this link. To review the full document contact the Environmental Services office at 520-791-3175.